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Cash App

Free $5 bonus

Get $5 free when you download the Cash App, sign up using a friend’s Cash App referral code, connect your bank account, and send someone at least $5 within 14 days of signing up.

The referrer gets $30 once you do so.

After signing up using a Cash App referral code, if you can’t think of someone to send your initial $5 to, you could donate $5 to $UNICEF, $Wikipedia, or $KhanAcademy.

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Your Referral Code
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Where To Find Your Referral Code

To find your Cash App referral code, in the Cash App tap your profile pic in the top right, then tap “Invite Friends, Get $30”, and look for the share icon in the top right. It is not currently possible to find your referral code on the web.

Share it on ReferCodes once you’ve found it.