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Free first month of Premium

Get your first month of Evernote Premium for free when you sign up for Evernote using a friend’s Evernote referral link.

The referrer gets ten points for each of their first three referrals who sign up, install the Evernote app on a computer, tablet, or phone, and sign in. After that, they get five points for each referral who buys Evernote Premium for the first time.

Our Referral Link
Your Referral Link
Friends Referral Links
Others Referral Links
Where To Find Your Referral Link

To find your Evernote referral link on the web, go here. Click the link icon to copy. Alternatively, from the Evernote desktop app, go to “Account Info”, then “Invite friends”.

You currently cannot find your link in the mobile app.

Share it on ReferCodes once you’ve found it.