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Uber Reserve

30% off first three trips

Get 30% off your first three Uber Reserve trips, up to $35 per trip, when you book your first Uber Reserve trip using a friend’s Uber Reserve referral code. Your second and third trip discounts will be available for 90 days after you take your first trip.

The referrer gets 30% off their next three Uber Reserve trips, up to $35 per trip, after you take your first trip. Their discount will be valid for 90 days after you complete your first trip.

Your Referral Code
Friends Referral Codes
Others Referral Codes
Where To Find Your Referral Code

To find your Uber Reserve referral code in the Uber app, tap “Account” in the bottom right corner and then scroll down to “Refer friends to get deals”.

Share it on ReferCodes once you’ve found it.