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$20 worth of Bitcoin

Get $20 worth of Bitcoin when you sign up for Uphold using a friend’s Uphold referral link, deposit money via bank or card, and trade at least $250 in any crypto.

Once you do so, the referrer will also be credited $20 worth of Bitcoin.

Our Referral Link
Your Referral Link
Friends Referral Links
Others Referral Links
Where To Find Your Referral Link

To find your Uphold referral link in the Uphold app, tap the “Portfolio” icon in the bottom left and then tap the green gift box icon in the top right corner.

Or, on the web, go to the Earn page which you can find by logging in, clicking the “Earn” icon in the left side bar (it looks like a pile of coins), and clicking the green gift box icon in the top right corner of the middle panel that shows your total balance.

Share it on ReferCodes once you’ve found it.